May update
Just after Easter I managed to get away to the country for a few days with the family. The weather was perfect, and the bush was green and peaceful.
I somehow had two sets of edits for different books land in my inbox at the same time, so I've been buried in editing for most of the month. I'm really pleased how these two books are shaping up. One is due for release in July and the other in October.
The Sydney weather has been crazy lately. First, we had three days of torrential rain, then we were hit by a massive hailstorm that pulverized our garden. Some of the ice still hadn't melted by the next morning. All this rain is playing havoc with my son's soccer games, which I don't mind at all because it leaves me more time for reading!
And finally, I've lost a few kilos since starting the CSIRO diet. Not a huge amount, but I feel a lot better and I have fewer cravings. I didn't follow the diet slavishly but I am eating a lot more vegetables now, and I feel it's a nutrition plan I can follow long-term, which is far better than yo-yo dieting.
Well, that's all the news for this month. :)